Hello Austin, TexasI haven't even unpacked my suitcase from a super quick trip to Austin, Texas. This mini vacation was a quick way for me to recharge as the holiday season at
Tonya Marie Photography is in high gear. A few highlights of the trip include yummy authentic Mexican food at
Guero's and a stroll through the botanical gardens at Zilker park.
Other highlights include visiting with some repeat clients. I'm pretty sure these super cool brothers keep their parents on their toes with all of their energy and enthusiasm. But I was quick enough to catch a few frames while they were holding still.
And these two sisters just couldn't possible be any sweeter. They have the best manners: calling me *Miss Tonya*, responding *yes ma'am*, and even reminding me not to forget my water bottle. And to top it all off, they are absolutely gorgeous!
And for all of you asking about future sessions, we will be adding at least a few more visits to Austin in 2008. Check back here for specific dates (possible June) or give me an email if you are interested in reserving your Austin session.